+7 (495) 960-81-05
Amongst variety of property offers presented on Moscow market there has to be a customer looking for exactly your apartment, house or a land plot. Professional advertisement tools, customer-oriented approach and competence of our brokers will be a great asset in your effort to organize effective client search and closing of a secure deal.
“Property sale” service includes the following:

1. Calling us or sending us a request through the website;
2. Consulting our expert and receiving preliminary analysis of your request;
3. Our agent’s on-site visit of the property object;
4. Professional photo, preparing presentation;
5. Expert opinion on the entitlement documentation required for sale;
6. Evaluation and analysis of competitive offers on the market and strategy for an object’s utilization;
7. Effective advertisement and client search;
8. Preparing and giving legal evaluation of the documentation required for closing a deal;
9. Preparation, organization and support of the transaction;
10. Secure processing of mutual payments;
11. Control over ownership transfer;
12. Client support throughout the whole process until a transfer-acceptance act is signed.
Expertise in Moscow city and country real estate market as well as access to professional databases allow our specialists to identify market liquidity with maximum precision and thus, help our clients to purchase property at the best price.
Our services include the following:

1. Consultancy and preliminary analysis of your request;
2. Monitoring of the offers available on the market and search of the property object meeting your requirements;
3. We send selection of the best offers to your email address in a presentation format;
4. Arranging viewings of the selected property objects at any convenient time;
5. Carrying out of negotiations with the Buyer's side;
6. Expert opinion on the entitlement documentation, checking and analysis of the ownership history, identifying potential risks as violations of a third party's ownership right;
7. Drafting a preliminary and final sale and purchase contract, compiling documentation required for registration of ownership transaction with the state authorities;
8. Preparation, organization and support of the transaction;
9. Secure execution of mutual payments.
10. Control over ownership transfer;
11. Client support throughout the whole process until a transfer-acceptance act is signed.
Attention of LANDLORDS
One of our mainstream activities is organizing Home search process for employees of leading Western companies. Having signed a contract with one of our clients is a guarantee for a landlord that all obligations under contract will be fulfilled by the tenant in a due manner, including financial and material liability, payments made on a regular basis and in a timely fashion. These are essential conditions for successful, consistent and civilized way of doing business as a Landlord.
We promise from our side – professional approach, competent support and carrying out of the transaction, drafting a tenancy agreement protecting your interests and rights.

• Assistance of a professional broker at all stages of the deal;
• Identifying actual market price of the property;
• Professional consultation on technical and juridical sides of letting a property object;
• Advice in the early stages of renovation, recommendations to design concept, layout, refurbishment, equipment and furnishing of an apartment for letting;
• Photographing, compiling a portfolio and presentation of your property;
• Expanded advertisement and prompt tenant search;
• Arranging showings of your property to potential tenants;
• Carrying out of negotiations with prospective tenants;
• Drafting a Tenancy agreement taking into account legal, financial and tax common practices;
• Preparing documents required for making a deal, processing payments under a Tenancy contract and check-in of the selected tenant;
• Insurance of the property for the rental term;
• Resolving issues raised throughout the whole rental term;
• Upon expiration of the rental term we will find a new tenant for you.
Working with us you will not have to send requests to different agencies to find a suitable tenant - our effective advertisement and good partnership with reputable western companies allow us to cover whole Moscow real estate market, and every tenant searching for an apartment for rent will see presentations of our property objects.
Attention of TENANTS
In order to find a decent apartment in a good area of Moscow our specialist will offer up-to-date options meeting your requirements.
• We will offer only actual and checked apartments;
• Options meeting your requirements will be sent in a presentation format including photos and detailed description of the property;
• Viewings of the selected options will be organized at your convenience;
• If necessary we can provide an interpreter and a corporate car with a professional driver;
• We conduct due diligence check of the selected property;
• We carry out negotiations of contract T&C protecting rights and interests of our client;
• Our experienced brokers thoroughly work through all rental conditions ensuring reliable and secure collaboration with a lessor throughout the whole rental term;
• Organize transaction, check-in to the apartment and secure execution of mutual payments under the Tenancy contract.
Commitments of our Agency

If a Tenancy agreement is early terminated within first six months unilaterally at the Lessor’s fault, we will find a similar option for you free of charge.
We also count on long-term collaboration with our client and therefore it is important for us to surround the client with comfort during his whole stay in the apartment that we found.
Transaction support
We make arrangements and execute control at all stages of the deal, ensure security of financial operations and prepare documentation for state registration of ownership transfer. We make it an easy and smooth process for you.
The service includes:

1. Consultation on the transactional procedure, documentation required and potential risks;
2. Drafting all documents required for closing of a deal (e.g. prepayment agreement, preliminary purchase-and-sale contract, main purchase-and-sale contract and etc.);
3. Obtainment of all required certificates and paperwork;
4. Due diligence of property ownership documents;
5. Ensuring security of mutual payments through safety deposit boxes;
6. Legal advice and support of the deal;
7. Organizing and controlling ownership registration with the State Register;
8. Filing act of transfer-acceptance.
Property due diligence
There are many factors that must be taken into account during due diligence check including but not limited to the following:
1. A seller must be eligible to sell the property in order to exclude claims from a third party for the property object. At that, each case of previous ownership transfer must be checked: making sure that the rights of previous owners were not infringed as per the Law. Otherwise a transaction may be set aside as well as the buyer’s ownership rights for the house, apartment, premises, etc.
2. Not least important is to check if all alterations made in the premises are legal, that they have been approved by conforming authorities. Otherwise it may have bad consequences such as acknowledgement of the alterations being illegal, and the new owner will be held responsible for returning the construction to status-quo at his/her own expense.
Making any alternations to the layout of premises or a building require permission of certain controlling authorities.

3. It is necessary to ensure that the property object is free from encumbrances: pledge, leasing and etc. Upon ownership transfer they will become responsibility of a new owner. If the property is under pledge, any transaction with this property in the future may require pledge holder’s consent. Besides, pledge holder can claim the buyer.
What can happen if no due diligence check is done?

There are quite a number of legal grounds to set a transaction aside:
- falsification of documents, fraud;
- noncompliance with the Law and other legal norms;
- infringed rights of heritors, minors and other persons;
- transaction is executed by a person with limited Legal capability or who is legally incapable;
- transaction is executed under influence by fraud, wrong belief, threat or violence;
- transaction is executed by a person not being of sound mind;
- other grounds.
Therefore, unprofessional approach to Property purchase process bears many risks and potential losses for a buyer, including a risk to lose both property and money. That is why one must realize the importance of due diligence and engage well-qualified specialists. Cost of such service will be compensated by zero complications and secured rights for the property.
Property evaluation
Actual cost of a real estate object may vary significantly from its nominal cost. To estimate the cost of a house, a land plot, an apartment or an office you should consult an experienced expert in real estate. Professional estimate helps to indicate market price for a property object and as a result execute a deal beneficial for a seller and acceptable for a buyer.

We will help you to make right evaluation of your property and arrange its successful utilization (letting or selling).
Development of architectural and designer’s solution for your property
Do you want your apartment, office or café look extraordinary and tasteful according to all latest design trends and get it at the best price? Our studio of interior design is happy to be at your service.

We will develop interior design projects in different styles, provide complete working documentation including sketches, drawings, plans, charts, engineering schemes and offer multiple finishing options.

Our interior design services comprise of design supervision and execution of finishing work of any complexity (including “turnkey” option) with application of latest technologies and materials. To provide high quality performance we hire specialists who are interior design professionals, experienced in creating unique objects of different complexity and are able to think out of the box.
Relo services
Preview Orientation Program
This programm is designed to help in the decision for potential Assignee to accept an assignment, when the company offers him/her and his/her spouse a trip to the destination:

● Area tour;
● Maps and guidebooks;
● Visit to view housing options;
● Information on/visits to schools;
● Information on activities for children;
● Information on local Expat organizations;
● Information on organizations, activities for spouse;
● Information on/visits to health care facilities;
● Information on/visits to shopping facilities;
● Information on sports facilities;

Trips are customized to the individual needs of expatriate employees and families.
Home Search Program
The Newark having access to all real estate databases provides this programm to help the Assignee to select the property meeting his/her requirements.The Newark acts as the expatriate’s advocate and represents his/her interests.In addition Newark provides the Assignee and family with information about the geography, history and culture that will be helpful in transitioning to the new location.

● Based on the information provided, Newark recommends best areas in terms of budget, proximity to schools and office, other needs and expectations,plans and coordinates housing appointments properties that meet individual needs;
● Accompanies Assignee on housing appointments;
● Assists with negotiating rental costs and other fees;
● Advises Assignee of local real estate practices, such as requirements for security deposit, advance rent, letter of guarantee, etc.;
● Checks the apartment at the legal authorities;
● Assist with signing of the Lease Agreement by both Parties and followed handover,providing hard copy of the move-in inspection;
School Selection Assistance
Newark helps the Assignee to identify and select the best option for their children as it can be one of the most important tasks, which determines their comfort of staying in the country.

● Contact school(s) to determine availability for the upcoming semester/year;
● Arranges and coordinates interviews; accompanies when appropriate;
● Participates in the process for interview, application completion and acceptance;
● Notifies of deposits and other fees,required vaccinations and certifications;
Settling-In Program
The Newark is able to assist with every step along the way of being settled in new location by providing information about traveling, leisure activities, in addition to information on local geography, history, and culture, which will help the Assignee and his/her family to assimilate into their new environment.

● Provides maps and guidebooks for area;
● Assists with opening a local bank account;
● Informs as to location of property and convenience to transportation, local vendors, and services;
● Informs as to local social customs: tipping, dealing with local merchants;
● Arranges visits to schools, to shopping areas, medical facilities, special interest facilities, as required.
● Advises Assignee of requirements and procedures for obtaining a local driver’s license and time constraints involved;
● Provides information about spouse and family activities, including school courses, volunteer and leisure activities, other transferred families and local support groups.
● Provides assistance with questions about tenancy related issues;
● Organizes repairs with the Newark network of suppliers;
● Schedules and coordinates Maintenance Sub-Providers, when applicable.
● Provides information about drivers, cleaning-ladies, babysitters.
Spouse Support
The Newark offers support to the Assignee’s spouse at the Assignee's home or local area. Following are the typical activities of the Spouse Support Program:

● Follow-up support by phone;
● Community transition services (information on local community, local clubs, organizations and volunteer groups);
● Assisting with investigating continuing education opportunities;
● Employment assistance (help with the construction of CV in local language, labor market situation and professional expectations, referral to a qualified placement agency (job not guaranteed);
● Assistance with shopping, accompany to the local stores.
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+7 (495) 960-81-05