+7 (495) 960-81-05
Amongst variety of property offers presented on Moscow market there has to be a customer looking for exactly your apartment, house or a land plot. Professional advertisement tools, customer-oriented approach and competence of our brokers will be a great asset in your effort to organize effective client search and closing of a secure deal.
“Property sale” service includes the following:

1. Calling us or sending us a request through the website;
2. Consulting our expert and receiving preliminary analysis of your request;
3. Our agent’s on-site visit of the property object;
4. Professional photo, preparing presentation;
5. Expert opinion on the entitlement documentation required for sale;
6. Evaluation and analysis of competitive offers on the market and strategy for an object’s utilization;
7. Effective advertisement and client search;
8. Preparing and giving legal evaluation of the documentation required for closing a deal;
9. Preparation, organization and support of the transaction;
10. Secure processing of mutual payments;
11. Control over ownership transfer;
12. Client support throughout the whole process until a transfer-acceptance act is signed.
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+7 (495) 960-81-05